

What does SEN mean at ERS?

As all pupils at ERS have some type of SEN (Special Educational Need) this is an important question for both existing and potential parents.

The simple answer to the question is that SEN means having a difficulty or disability that affects the ability to learn. There are, of course, many more detailed definitions available and these can be found on numerous websites.

However, the question for potential parents is likely to be more focused on what this actually means for pupils at ERS. Firstly, I would say that we rarely use the term SEN, but prefer to talk about a child’s individual or additional needs because each of our pupils has a unique profile of strengths and needs or difficulties.

Some pupils have one or more specific learning difficulties, whilst others have a more complex profile of needs that could include a learning difficulty or medical condition. However, the impact of any of these difficulties can differ between individual pupils and, as a result, each child needs an individual programme of strategies, interventions and support to enable them to make the best possible progress.

During the admissions process we consider the needs of individual children carefully before deciding whether we can provide a place for their education and, if so, how we would support the child with a programme that integrates the strategies needed for classroom learning with additional specialist support.

If a place is offered, parents receive a provision schedule, which details the additional support that is considered necessary for their child. This might include some assigned LSA support and/or specialist input either 1:1 or in small groups.

Specialist support – delivered alongside the teaching programme and integrated within the child’s overall provision to enable their access to education – can include the following :

  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Specialist teaching for Literacy and/or Numeracy
  • Social Communication support for pupils with social and emotional needs
  • Physiotherapy

Pupils at ERS benefit, not only from the additional support detailed above, but also from the individual strategies that are put in place in the classroom to facilitate their learning. All staff are experienced in supporting pupils with a range of needs and make use of the strategies and advice provided by specialists for each child.

The needs of pupils currently attending ERS include the following:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyspraxia/ Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • Speech, Language and Communication Needs
  • Attention difficulties
  • Autistic Spectrum Conditions
  • Physical difficulties
  • Emotional difficulties

This is not an exhaustive list and there is a great deal more that could be said about the needs of our pupils and how we support them. It would perhaps be more helpful to look at the rest of the website and then contact us to arrange to attend an Open Day, or to make an individual appointment.

Jane Wyton
Head Of Sen