


The Governance of the school and the statutory requirements under which we operate are possibly not the first things prospective parents think about – but it is important that these underpinning elements of the school are in place. We have, therefore, shown below the way in which the school is managed – plus the key structures in place for safeguarding of the children and the necessary health and safety controls. (Elsewhere on this site we list the key policies which must be published for public access; details of how these can be downloaded or requested are listed on a separate page for ease of access. Click here to go to School Policies.)


Safeguarding is important in any school community – particularly with sometimes vulnerable pupils. To support our efforts in this area we have a DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Deputy (DDSL) who work within the school – directly with the Leadership Team, Senior Management Team and Base Leaders –  and with outside agencies.

They are complemented by a Designated Governor for Safeguarding who has oversight of this area and reports to the Board. We work to both national and local guidelines supplemented by other specialist trainers and courses for our core team. The DSLs provide information updates on policy and practice to all members of staff on a regular basis and for new staff at Induction.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety is a key issue for any school and we have policies and procedures in place to manage this both within the school and its grounds – and on school trips.  There are designated personnel responsible for different areas – e.g. buildings, educational, fire risk assessment and procedures – and these liaise regularly through meetings and joint training. All staff are trained in the Risk Assessment processes necessary for day-to-day work, activity sessions or trips and these are supported by admin back-up and controls.  Reporting from this area goes to the Leadership Team and to the Board.

Governance & Management of the School

Leadership Team

We work to ensure that the overall management of the school is a joint and collegiate responsibility, but this is then split into definable areas to ensure proper reporting and control. We are happy to explain this further if required, but in summary the position is as follows:

The day-to-day management of the school is provided by the Leadership Team – the Head Teacher Colin Parker, the Deputy Head and HSEN Jane Wyton, the Deputy Head Education Lesley Clifton and the Business Manager Stephen Potts.

Reporting to the Leadership Team are the Senior Management Team – made up of Base Leaders, members of the Admin and SEN management teams and the DSL. They have the responsibility for all aspects of the school covering the education and care of the children, the administration necessary to support this and the management of buildings and other facilities. The Leadership Team then report through to the Board and Governing Body – several of whom are in school during term time – both on an ad hoc basis and through formal meetings and reports.

Details of how to contact the Leadership Group are on the Contact Us page of the website.


Egerton Rothesay School Ltd is the company that owns the school and is ultimately responsible for its operation. The registered address of the company is: Egerton Rothesay School Ltd, Durrants Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 3UJ. Registered number: 2226604.  DfE number: 9196062.

Egerton Rothesay School Ltd is wholly owned by a registered charity. (Name: Egerton Rothesay, Registered Charity No: 1091089, a company limited by guarantee).  The charity has three Trustees one of whom, Stephen East, is also on the Board of Egerton Rothesay School Ltd.

Any surplus or profits from the operation of the school – after investment in development and future growth – are paid to the charity by Egerton Rothesay School Ltd.

Governing Body

The ultimate Governing body of the school is also the Board of Egerton Rothesay School Ltd. The Board is currently made up of Stephen East (MD), Mrs Alison Walker, Mrs Cherry Martin and David Vesey (who also acts as Chair of Governors).  The Company Secretary is Stephen Potts. They are supported by two non-director Governors Mrs Pat Cassidy and Jon Reynolds who bring wider educational and management experience to the team.

Should it ever be necessary, details of how to contact the Governing Body are on the Contact Us page of the website.