
Is ERS the right school for my child

Is ERS the right school for my child?

How We Help You Decide

We want you to be sure that ERS is the right school for your child, and can help in a number of ways. As well as the opportunity to discuss your child at an Open Day we can also arrange for an individual assessment and a meeting with Mrs Wyton, the Head of SEN.

Information about your child

At this point we would ask you for any relevant documentation about your child (e.g. educational psychologist’s report, statement of special educational needs, speech and language assessment, occupational therapy report, and any recent school reports). This helps us to assess whether we can meet your child’s needs within the scope of our provision, our specialist resources, and the year and form groups that your child might join.

Registration and assessment days

If both you and we agree that ERS can help your child, we can move on to the next stage. We ask you to send in a Registration and Medical form with the registration fee. Your child would then be invited to spend at least two assessment days in school with their current year group. (Please note there is no formal entrance exam, although we do reserve the right to test if appropriate.)

Admissions Panel and offer letter

Following the assessment days, the Admissions Panel will meet to consider your application. If we feel ERS is the right school for your child and are sure we can provide what they need in their year group, an offer letter will be sent out to you setting out the educational provision for your child, including a detailed estimate of fees.

If we feel ERS is not the right school for your child, we can often suggest alternative provision.